Thursday, 10 July 2014

structure map with factory pattern using structuremap.config

I was looking for a very simple example around for integrating structure map with factory pattern , since I found it in bit and pieces.. I am here documenting my own version of it.

Before I  jump in to code and configuration the jist of below code is that, I would like to create Italian or Indian food object based on what customer request.

StructureMap.config -  make sure you set property Copy to out put directory as Copy always

feel free to download complete code from
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

  <PluginFamily Type="StructureMapHelloWorld.IFood" Assembly="StructureMapHelloWorld" DefaultKey="IndianFoodKey">
    <Plugin Type="StructureMapHelloWorld.SouthIndian" Assembly="StructureMapHelloWorld" ConcreteKey="IndianFoodKey" />
    <Plugin Type="StructureMapHelloWorld.Italian" Assembly="StructureMapHelloWorld" ConcreteKey="ItalianFoodKey" />



namespace StructureMapHelloWorld
    public interface IFood
        string GetFood();

    public class SouthIndian : IFood
        public string GetFood()
            return "Idly-Dosa";

    public class Italian : IFood
        public string GetFood()
            return "Pizza";



using StructureMap;
using System;

namespace StructureMapHelloWorld
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            Console.WriteLine("Type indian for Indian food / type italian for Italian Food / Press E to Exit");

            string foodKind = Console.ReadLine();

            while (String.IsNullOrEmpty(foodKind) == false && foodKind.ToLower() != "e")

                IFood food;

                if (foodKind.ToLower().Contains("italian"))
                    food = ObjectFactory.GetNamedInstance<IFood>("ItalianFoodKey");
                    Console.WriteLine("Thanks for Ordering " + food.GetFood());
                    foodKind = Console.ReadLine();

                else if (foodKind.ToLower().Contains("indian"))
                    food = ObjectFactory.GetNamedInstance<IFood>("IndianFoodKey");
                    Console.WriteLine("Thanks for Ordering " + food.GetFood());
                    foodKind = Console.ReadLine();

                    Console.WriteLine("Type indian for Indian food / type italian for Italian Food / Press E to Exit");
                    foodKind = Console.ReadLine();




        private static void ConfigureDependencies()
            ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
                // We put the properties for an NHibernate ISession
                // in the StructureMap.config file, so this file
                // must be there for our application to
                // function correctly
                x.UseDefaultStructureMapConfigFile = true;
                //x.PullConfigurationFromAppConfig = true;
